2020 has started out as a challenging year for all of us. My beloved Frank the Tank passed away on February 6th, March 15th we were told to social distance due to COVID-19 and on April 22nd my Aunt Martha Mullarkey Hardin passed away. I would like to tribute this blog post to my Aunt Martha, husband Uncle Dean and daughter Meagan Schmidt who were by my Aunt’s side as she peacefully passed at Baptist East hospital in Louisville, Ky.
My dad has 5 AMAZING sisters – Margaret, Mary, Sally, the late Martha and Joan. Still to this day they all reside in my hometown of Louisville, Ky and live within a 15 minute radius of each other. They have been the core of our family gatherings as long as I can remember back. I can recall all meeting at my Grandma and Grandpa Mullarkey’s house every Friday for Friday Night Live:). The adults would enjoy some Irish cheer and the kids ruled the basement playing hot box. Ahhh, those were the days! This tradition still goes on at Grandma and Grandpa’s house because Aunt Joan and Uncle Jimmy purchased it after they passed to keep it in the family. There have been so many great memories in that house and I always look forward to visiting when I am in town for a legendary Friday Night Live.
When I look back, Aunt Martha to me was a supermodel. She was a very gorgeous blonde and always had a smile on her face when it came to us kids. I knew if I ever needed anything that she and the rest of my aunts would be there. Uncle Dean is probably one of the funniest people I know and was always and still is making everyone laugh. For 41 years of marriage he made my Aunt Martha laugh. I know he misses her dearly and I am looking forward to celebrating Aunt Martha’s life in a good ole fashioned Irish wake once this coronavirus lets up.
Meagan is a mother of three herself and I know those boys sure do miss their Gigi. I know how hard it was when my grandparents passed away. Meagan is currently an RN and is on the frontline with the rest of our medical professionals. Thank you Meagan for all you do! May your mom rest in peace! You know she is in good hands in Heaven and is looking down on all of us.
If you would like to read more about my Aunt, click here.