
Karen’s Most Recent Videos

4 years ago

Full-Body Quick HIIT Workout

1️⃣Sled Sprint - down + back x3 2️⃣Tricep Push-Ups on Sled - max x3 3️⃣Battle Ropes - 20 jumps with a slam 4️⃣Bosu Knee Tucks - 20/side x3 5️⃣Bosu Squat Jumps - 20/leg x3 6️⃣Treadmill Uphill Sprints - 20 sec on, 10 sec rest for 3...

4 years ago

Hotel Room Workout Circuit

Traveling does not have to mean you are skipping workouts ✈️🚗 if you’re off on a weekend trip or just no time to hit the gym, try this hotel room workout circuit. Do 20 of each and repeat 3 times. 1️⃣Wall Sit 2️⃣Push-Ups 3️⃣Jump...

4 years ago

How-To: Foam Rolling 101

There is nothing a little foam rolling can't fix! I've been incorporating more foam rolling into my personal routine and highly recommend it for my clients as well. Here are a few ways to use the foam roller on different muscles....

4 years ago

Full-Body Blaster Circuit

Try this full body blaster to help get you lean! 1️⃣Pull-Ups Max x3 2️⃣Push-Ups Feet Elevated 30 sec x3 3️⃣DB Squat to Press 20x3 4️⃣Side Plank w a Leg Raise 20/leg x3 5️⃣KB upright rows 20x3...

4 years ago

Hamstring Hell Circuit

This is a little something I call...Hamstring Hell 💥 1️⃣Smith Machine Single Leg Deadlifts - 10 per leg x3 2️⃣Kneeling Leg Curls - 10 per leg 3️⃣Rope Squats Feet Together - 20x3 4️⃣Stability Ball Hamstring Curl Hold - 30 sec...

4 years ago

#TRX Full-Body Blast

Get your sweat on with this #TRX Full-Body Blast 🔥🔥🔥 Do each exercise 20x3 1️⃣Rows 2️⃣Overhead Tricep Extensions 3️⃣I’s, Y’s and T’s - 5 of each x3 4️⃣Push-Ups 5️⃣Single Leg Squats 6️⃣Hamstring Curls...

4 years ago

Full Body: HIIT today HARD!

HIIT today HARD! 👊🏼👊🏼👊🏼 -Jump Rope 1 min x3 -Sandbag Clean to Press 20x3 -Jump Ups on Plyo Box 20x3 -Single Arm Kettlebell Swings 20/arm x3 -Burpee with a Push-Up into a Pull-Up 10x PS: if you can’t do a pull up yet, start with...

4 years ago

Bikini Competition Back Workout

I put together this awesome back circuit to help build up that back which is always a winner on the stage🏆 1️⃣ W’s 10x3 2️⃣ Wide Grip Pull-Ups - max x3 3️⃣ High Row Back Machine 10x3 4️⃣ Lat Pulldowns Wide Grip Tabata 20 sec on, 10...

Mullarkey in the Media

11 years ago

Jackson Hole 2012

Doing what I love most......flying down the mountain on my snowboard! What a gorgeous day in Jackson Hole!...

Behind the Scenes

14 years ago

"No Mullarkey Boot Camp"

Inside look at a boot camp workout with Karen Mullarkey and the "No Mullarkey" team. Every saturday, contact Karen for more info!...

“No Mullarkey“ In the Media

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“No Mullarkey“ Training Tips

13 years ago

"No Mullarkey" Training Tip - Single Leg Squat

"No Mullarkey" Training Tip - The Single Leg Squat is a great exercise to build up your quads and glutes, and is good if you have some kind of leg or foot injury (like I was dealing with). Focus on your core as you balance, and make...

13 years ago

"No Mullarkey" Training Tip - Squats

"No Mullarkey" Training Tip - The Squat is another great leg exercise. Make sure to use a weight you can handle, keep your feet shoulder width apart, keep your back flat when you lower the weight, and make sure to squeeze your quads...

13 years ago

"No Mullarkey" Training Tip - Single Leg Squat

"No Mullarkey" Training Tip - The Single Leg Squat is a great exercise to build up your quads and glutes, and is good if you have some kind of leg or foot injury (like I was dealing with). Focus on your core as you balance, and make...

13 years ago

"No Mullarkey" Training Tip - Pull Up

"No Mullarkey" Training Tip - The Pull Up is great for the back, and is an exercise that everyone should have in their workout program. Make sure you start in a hanging position (no jumping, that's cheating!). Make sure to do a...

13 years ago

"No Mullarkey" Training Tip - Lying Leg Curl

"No Mullarkey" Training Tip - The Lying Leg Curl really isolates the hamstring. It should be a slow and controlled movement, and make sure to hold for a second at the top. Remember..."No Excuses and that's No Mullarkey!"...

13 years ago

"No Mullarkey" Training Tip - Leg Press

"No Mullarkey" Training Tip of the Day -- Time to works those legs people! Use a weight you can handle, make sure to squeeze your glutes at the top of the exercise and exhale on the push. Remember..."No Excuses and that's No Mullarkey"!...

13 years ago

"No Mullarkey" Training Tip - Step up

"No Mullarkey" Training Tip - The Step up is a great exercise to work your quads, hammy's and glutes. Keep your core tight to help with your balance, come up slow and hold for a second at the top. If you want to challenge yourself,...

“No Mullarkey“ Testimonials