“No Mullarkey” Client of the Month

I would like to congratulate Karen Szilagyi for being the next “No Mullarkey” client of the month. Karen just competed in the local NPC competition in Mesa and took an impressive 1st place in her Masters figure class. Karen has been training off and on with me for the past 6 years. I watched this woman transform her physique and go from competing in bikini to figure after adding muscle to her frame.  You would never guess that she is almost 49 years young!

Not only has she added muscle to her frame in her mid to late 40’s, but she competes against gals who are obviously not drug free and she holds her own.  It’s a shame to see the sport of figure turning into a steroid show and the judges continue to award the women who are obviously not natural.  Karen keeps it natural and she is a living example that working out and eating clean are the fountain of youth.

What is even more impressive about Karen is that she is also a mother of two amazing children. Her youngest, Christian, is special needs with downs syndrome and certainly keeps Karen on her toes. Even more the reason why staying in shape is in her best interest. That little guy has some energy and she has no problem keeping up. What a great example she sets for her pre-teen daughter. She is living proof that she can balance fitness and being a mother, along with showing her children how strong she can be.  Karen has certainly earned the “No Mullarkey” client of the month award!

If you are looking to get fit so you can keep up with your children or if you want to do a competition. I know a trainer who can help you out:). Contact me today for a FREE consultation.

Karen Mullarkey
“No Mullarkey” Personal Training