My 2021 New Year’s Resolutions

New year, new me! This year I am celebrating turning the big 4-5! So, I figured I would make a few new year’s resolutions that would help me look and feel my best. I am sharing my resolutions to help keep me on track and accountable! I’ll be sharing my progress and tips along the way on my social media pages and on the blog. Make sure to comment your health and fitness resolutions in the comments section below!

My 2021 Health + Wellness Resolutions:

  1. Book and prep for a photoshoot! (if you received my newsletter, you’ll see my before pics for this!)
  2. Get outside for a bike ride at least once a week! I absolutely LOVE riding my bike so this one should be easy but I’ll need to make sure it’s a priority!
  3. This year, I will be starting to write fitness and motivational articles for magazines. Cant wait to share my expertise with so many others!
  4. I will be sharing more of my healthy meals, ingredients or just recipes that I use and like that taste good without the extra calories, sugar, fat, etc.

Stay tuned for updates on my photoshoot prep! What are some of your resolutions?