The Key is Preparation

Nutrition is probably one of the most difficult parts of living a healthy lifestyle.  Most of my clients seem to initially struggle with sticking to their clean eating plans.  I have learned over the years that it is all about Balance and Preparation.  You have to make time to meal prep, but don’t be afraid to cheat now and again!

Having a cheat or treat meal on a weekly basis is not a bad thing, it actually gives you something to look forward to on the weekend.  Having pizza, a glass of wine or that dessert you have been craving is not the end of the world and there is no need to feel guilty about it.  What’s the point of living if you can’t cut loose every once in awhile?  I don’t find it healthy mentally, physically or emotionally at all if a client feels like they have to eat clean 100% of the time.

In my years in the fitness industry I have seen too many “Fitness Professionals” who are too over the top with fitness and nutrition.  I tell my clients to do their best to stick to their custom nutrition plans during their work week and to have a little fun on the weekend.  Chances are you will get results and won’t feel deprived.

Karen Mullarkey

“No Mullarkey” Personal Training