I am currently on a plane en route for the infamous Arnold Classic in Columbus, Ohio. I have been involved in the fitness industry for the past 10 years and this is my very 1st trip to the largest bodybuilding and sports show in the world. When I earned my IFBB Pro Card back in 2007 I said that my goals were to stand on stage with female fitness icon, Monica Brant and to also shake Arnold’s hand (I don’t believe I need to say his last name, plus I can’t spell it! LOL!) This weekend those very goals will be accomplished.
I will be on stage with them both as a VIP guest speaker following the meet and greet with Arnold himself! Someone pinch me please!!!!!! I will be sitting with Monica as an equal in the fitness industry, this in my opinion beats me ever standing on stage next to her to compete which will never happen anyway because we both have officially retired from competing. See the attached photo of Monica and I at the 2011 WBFF Worlds in Toronto.
I feel very blessed to be involved in the fitness industry as a professional and I am so thrilled to be doing what I love for a living. Being a role model and inspiring others to find their fullest fitness potential is certainly the reason why I was put on this earth. I want to personally thank Dr. Jack Barnathan www.nystrength.com for giving me this amazing opportunity. Dr. Jack is my mentor and business coach, whom I had the pleasure of meeting over a year ago at an ISSA recertification course in LA. What I thought was going to be a boring class changed my life and career for the better. You just never know who you are going to meet when you travel:)
I am not going to lie that I am very nervous about speaking in front of hundreds, but I take comfort in knowing that fitness is my life so the answers will come easy. There is nothing like getting thrown to the wolves! This will be my 1st official public speaking event:)
Lastly, I have been causing quite the stir on social media with my videos challenging Arnold to a push-up contest. I certainly do hope he accepts the challenge because I have been training my butt off! How freaking cool would that be if he actually humors me with the challenge. I guess we will find out on Saturday!!!!! Until then I will continue sweating the fact that I will be speaking in front of hundreds and giving them my 2 cents on fitness and balancing life. Life is too darn short so grab it by the horns my friends:)
Until next time remember….”No Excuses and that’s No Mullarkey”!