John Lombardi

My name is John Lombardi, I am 53 years old and started working out with Karen Mullarkey to get ready for an upcoming NPC Physique show. Karen sent me my diets and workouts early so I could start buying my food and planning out my weeks. The training, diets, cardio and coaching was top of the line!
Karen will cover everything for you and will set you up for success. “No Mullarkey” Personal Training is first class from the first day until you step on stage 12 weeks later. You are training with a true professional who is motivated to get you to reach your goal. Karen takes the time to explain the procedure and will push you to follow the process so you look your absolute best. The workouts push you to the limit and Karen is right there with you to make sure your form and technique are on point. Nothing is rushed and you come out feeling like you can take on the world after every workout.
“No Mullarkey” Personal Training is hands down, training and coaching at its best! Karen can be reached anytime of the day for some quick nutrition info or for overall training questions. We also had posing sessions with Karen where she explained in detail what was expected from backstage prep, proper breathing, stage presence and hitting your poses with confidence. I took everything from the 12 weeks of working out with Karen and turned that into a 1st place finish in a tough class at the NPC Felicia Romero show in November. I was in the best shape of my life and owned the stage that night. I could not have gotten there without the the “No Mullarkey” Team behind me.
John Lombardi
Computer Design
University Mechanical and Engineering Corp.
Kerri Lombardi - BEFORE AND AFTER *

I began training with Karen in July, as I was going to be turning 49 (and at 150 lbs), I decided it was time to get back in shape. In addition, I was planning a visit back home to NJ for Thanksgiving and I wanted to get in the best shape of my life. Karen’s training regimen is very challenging & tough, but at the same time, fun & effective. She is beside you watching your form for each exercise and will have you make corrections to ensure you are getting the most out of each movement and to also prevent injury. She was very in-tuned to my thoughts and how serious I was to do this. The food plan was adjusted by Karen each month, as she can immediately tell when I needed to add or remove certain things to and from my diet.
About 2 months into training, she really motivated me to consider doing a bikini competition. I had been making progress on my weight loss and clothing size. I was so happy that I ultimately decided to train for a competition. I hate being in front of people, let alone on a stage IN A BIKINI! But, Karen did help me get the confidence to believe that I can do this. After losing 20 pounds and back in a size 2, which I haven’t been since High School, I did my first Bikini Competition at 49 years old.
This experience has made me confident and empowered. I have Karen to thank for all of this. She knows her stuff when it comes to anything in the health & fitness industry. My personal goals were exceeded, and I never expected to lean out the way I have. I have Karen Mullarkey to thank for pushing me to exceed my goals and I am so grateful for that. Not only is she the most amazing coach, she is a treasured friend and mentor.”
Kerri Lombardi
Kenia – BEFORE & AFTER *

Kelly Kolicko – BEFORE & AFTER *

Karen Mullarkey is a wonderful trainer. She got me in top condition for my competition last March which lead me to a 3rd place finish in open masters. Her training was fantastic and she mixed the weights well with the cardio and has extensive knowledge in nutrition and dieting and supplements. I have been training with her for over a year now and have seen an amazing transformation. *
-Kelly Kolicko
David DeLorenzo – BEFORE & AFTER *

Back in 2010 I was close to 200 lbs and I am 5 ‘6, needless to say……..that is not healthy! I then decided to begin training with Karen Mullarkey and never looked back. Karen’s personality, knowledge, and understanding of my fitness needs helped to get me into the best shape of my life, just one year later. I felt so good about myself because she helped build up enough confidence! I then decided to try my first NPC physique show, which I placed 5th in. I could not have done it without her and her true compassion for what she does to help other people. Karen is an incredible person, and someone you just want to be around because of her energy. Even when it is pushing sleds with a ton of weight on them. *
- David DeLorenzo, Owner Ambassador Group Insurance - Ambassadorins.com
Lauren Rae – BEFORE & AFTER *

I was bored, out of shape, and suffering in poor relationships with no real career plans in sight when I found out about “No Mullarkey” Personal Training. From that point forward my life transformed completely as I began to prepare for my first bikini competition. Karen Mullarkey was the agent of change and not only prepared me to place 2nd in the NPC Bikini A Division, she opened my eyes to the possibility of a successful career in health and fitness and helped me to become the woman I always wanted to be. When I met Karen for the first time she was confident, knowledgeable and I felt comfortable taking that step forward in my life to begin competing. I not only gained my best body ever but I gained self confidence, I learned to trust and depend on myself, I learned self control and most importantly the balance between being fit and healthy and living a fulfilling life. She is beyond inspirational and is a true example of what a coach, fitness model and friend should be. I would recommend her training and nutrition programs to anyone looking to make a positive change in their lives. *
-Lauren Rae, Coach/Writer/Fitness Model/Foodie * - Inspired Wellness
Sierra Rich – BEFORE & AFTER *

I always considered myself an athlete. I grew up with a competitive nature and raw talent that I used to be successful in gymnastics for 15 years. With that came a lot of discipline and hard work. I had to work to stay strong, but never had to work to have the body I wanted. After going to college and moving on from the life of a training athlete, I thought maintaining would be easy. A few years went by before I looked in the mirror and realized that I didn’t recognize the woman staring back at me. I was depressed, tired all the time, and felt lost and confused about how I allowed myself to get like that. I turned myself around at that point and submerged myself in the health and fitness industry. I became a certified personal trainer so I could teach myself how to live a healthier lifestyle. After losing some of the weight I had plateaued. I needed someone who could bring me to the next level; someone to bring out the athlete in me. That’s when I connected with Karen Mullarkey to prepare for my first fitness competition. She understood what my goals were and had the knowledge and first hand experience, which was important to me. I needed to work with someone who understood that there was an athlete inside of me dying to get out. After working together for three months, I couldn’t be happier with the results we were able to achieve. I look great, but more importantly I feel amazing. I have so much more energy and I have a fire inside of me that I let burn out years ago. It’s so much easier to enjoy life when you feel healthy and happy. The best part of working with Karen has been her ability to see the strength inside of me that I had lost sight of, and often doubted. When you have trouble believing in yourself, she is there to believe in you and push you to your limits. I’m so thankful for everything she has done to help me achieve my goals, and I look forward to working with her in the future. *
-Sierra Rich, Certified Personal Trainer
Susan Filer - BEFORE & AFTER *

I received a follow up phone call from my doctor saying “Your cholesterol is high and I needed to exercise more and eat a low fat diet.” I thought I already was doing this….so I decided I needed to hire a trainer. This is when I started my journey towards improving my health and hired Karen Mullarkey. I have lost over 40 pounds and at 53 years old competed in my first figure competition! It was amazing and one of the best times in my life. Oh and my cholesterol is normal and that is with no medication. Choosing Karen as a trainer was a life changing experience! *
-Susan Filer, Branch Manager of Pioneer Title
Michele Peterson – BEFORE & AFTER *

Tricia Zacchini – BEFORE & AFTER *

Michelle Shaw - BEFORE & AFTER *

I have always enjoyed going to the gym, but never took it seriously. Someone told me I could never compete in shows because I didn’t have the drive and I wanted to show them that they were wrong. I found Karen through a friend who had competed in a show before and right from the get go I just loved her personality. She is a spunky, take no crap kinda gal all rolled into a small package and I can relate. When we began training I automatically knew I was in deep trouble because I came to Karen at 127 lbs and 23% body fat! Even after the major cheats and grumpy moods she was able to keep me on track and to get me down to 110 lbs and 10% body fat (until after the competition that is). She has shown me a new way of life and a new love for eating right and exercising. I look forward to working with her for my next show……..Karen you're awesome keep kicking ass and taking names! *
-Michelle Shaw

Karen Mullarkey is an unbelievable trainer, psychologist, cheerleader, mentor and just a Great Friend!
I have come a long ways over the last couple of years and I have Karen to thank. I have probably hired 10 trainers throughout my lifetime and I never stayed with any of them more than two months. Karen kept me working out with her for over two years! It’s now part of my life and I wouldn’t miss it for anything! The first thing that goes in my calendar are my workouts. I never thought I would ever say……I love working out! I love the energy and the endorphins it gives me, Karen was the one who did it!
Karen made it fun and always pushed me way beyond my personal limits! She knew what days she could push me and what days to be more of my psychologist! She connects with her clients on a personal level and she see’s our potential. She helps us get to where we need to go, past our insecurities and self doubts. She transforms us by helping us to realize our goals and dreams! She brings out our very best selves and who we really are!
Karen truly cares about each and every one of her clients. We all trust her and enjoy her company. As a trainer, she realizes her role is so much more than just telling us that we can do two more reps. She instills confidence in each of us and reminds us that we can achieve anything we set our hearts and minds too! She uses personal training to demonstrate and to communicate our inner abilities!
As Karen transforms our bodies she also transforms our minds, our belief in ourselves and our personal confidence! She sends us out with strong bodies and strong minds!
I went into this to lose a few pounds and to look better. I came out with so much more! Karen has made me a better Man! For this, I greatly Thank Her! We will always be life long friends (Because she know too much:)!
She’s a sweetheart!
Vern H.
Caitlyn H - BEFORE & AFTER *

“My journey began when I had my daughter 17 weeks premature in 2017, which was a stressful time for us as a family. I quit my job to stay home with her and together my family helped her get through several surgeries and countless hospital visits. I was stress eating A LOT. She showed progress and overcame obstacles, she learned to crawl and walk. She was full of energy and faster than you think. That's when I realized I was BIG 205 pounds!! Too big for my liking and I couldn't keep up with my toddler. I cut out sodas and junk food, walked my son to and from school and I dropped down to about 175-180 pounds. I still didn’t like the way I looked, I was self-conscious and insecure. For Christmas I was gifted a 12 week virtual program with Karen Mullarkey. This program was a game changer, it held me accountable for the things I put into my body. If you are driven by the things you want to change and are committed to following her plan, THIS PROGRAM WORKS!!! Now I am addicted to my progress, I can keep up with my kids and I am overflowing with confidence. I am happy and healthy!”
Caitlyn Hamilton
Albuquerque, NM
Karli Coffinger - BEFORE & AFTER *

"I initially sought out Karen after already having lost a little weight on my own with dietary adjustments and with beginning working out. I loved the way I was feeling and wanted to take it a step further by having someone to coach me, cheer me on and hold me accountable. After quite a bit of thought and going back and forth, I decided I wanted to enter a bikini competition. Leading up to this wild idea, I had a constant feeling that I always had wanted to do things and accomplish goals but had always gotten in my own way of completing them. This was the same scenario with a bikini competition. I thought it would make for a great bucket list check mark and at the same time get me in the best shape of my life. If I was serious about losing the weight, I knew the most effective way to do so would be to implement someone to hold me accountable, set a deadline and make a financial investment to do so. So, with all that being said, I began seeing Karen for group training and from there on out it was the best decision I’ve made in awhile.
When I graduated high school, the horrid “Freshman Fifteen” always came up in conversation with my classmates. I thought the idea of that was so stupid and could never affect me. Well reality hit and before I knew it I gained the “Freshman and Sophomore Thirty”. In addition to bad eating and lack of exercise, I was prescribed multiple medications in attempt to regulate my Endometriosis which I also think had an impact on my weight gain. After being fed up with the sluggishness, lethargy and outright unhappiness I switched to a plant based diet (which eventually allowed me to go off all THREE of my medications), began exercising and lost a bit of the weight.
Now, here is where the real magic happens. I met up with Karen and I knew instantly she was the right fit for me. I began my fifteen-week prep for my first bikini competition and since then I am so happy I made that decision. Although I trained in a group setting, she was incredibly attentive the whole time and helped me with any questions I had (which was a lot). She worked around my vegan diet to form a meal plan that worked for me, was flexible with my schedule (consisting of college courses and two jobs) and even prepped me through posing classes leading up to the competition. By show day, I lost a total of twenty-five pounds!!!
I remember being two weeks out from the show and I had weighed myself. At that mark I had reached my goal weight and had lost twenty pounds. I remember bursting into tears because I was so happy that I finally did something I initially told myself I could never do. I started wearing shorts again and felt comfortable in them! This was something I was not used to, and it feels so amazing to be comfortable in my own skin again. I couldn’t have done any of this without Karen pushing me inside and outside of the gym.
At the end of the day, life is too short to hold yourself back from accomplishing things that seem unattainable. You are the only person holding you back and sometimes a little help from an outside party is all you need to get started. Thanks to Karen, I not only have this new found confidence back, but I have the tools and knowledge to be able to keep the weight off and to further better myself. She didn’t just help me lose the weight, but she supported me in changing my lifestyle into a positive and healthy one. If you are serious about making a change for the better, please see Karen. You will thank yourself. I am so happy with my decision to train with Karen and you will be too.”
Karli Coffinger
Grand Canyon University Student
Peter Crimando - BEFORE & AFTER *

“Karen - Thank you so much for answering my email and taking me on as a client! Absolutely the best health and fitness decision I’ve made was emailing you. I’m in the best shape of my life since my fighting days 30 years ago.”
Peter Crimando
Herman Schirg - BEFORE & AFTER *

“I wasn’t sure if I needed a trainer to prepare for my first show. I’m a certified trainer and a certified nutrition coach, couldn’t I do this myself?? The answer was NO! You need someone to hold you accountable and be objective, and more im-portantly you need someone who has “been there, done that”. And it’s that experi-ence that puts Karen at the top of the list. Throughout my 12 week virtual competi-tion prep she was there every step of the way, providing motivation, answering my questions, calming my fears, and kicking my butt when I needed it. But the best part was on the day of the competition. I had no clue what to be doing the day of the show and she immediately calmed me down and gave perfect, timely direction on every step. She played every role…cheerleader, coach, mentor, friend, motiva-tor. I felt so confident having her by my side I knew there was no way I could not be successful. I can’t recommend Karen enough if you want to take a chance and jump out on stage. She will get you there!”
Herman Schirg
Operations Manager ASAF
OCB Physique Pro
Multiple Written Testimonials
* There is no guarantee of specific results and results can vary.