Clean Eating Tips

Let’s face it, most folks fail in fitness when it comes to nutrition.  Working out and getting to the gym are very important but nutrition is really 85% of fighting the weight gain battle.  I see it day in and day out at the gym.  Folks come in, they workout REALLY hard yet their physiques don’t change.  I know as …

40 Minute Leg Workout

One of the biggest excuses I get from clients is that they don’t have time!  Well, I know as a coach that if you want it bad enough that you will make time!  I had a 45 min break the other day in between clients and needed to get a leg workout in.  Instead of saying I didn’t have enough …

HIIT Leg Workout “No Mullarkey” Style

Since I work all day in the gym as the owner of “No Mullarkey” Personal Training the last thing I want to do is to spend 2 additional hours for my workout, therefore I choose to do HIIT workouts.  High-Intensity Interval Training is right up my alley.  I can get an intense workout done in 30-60 minutes depending on the …

Benefits of Sprint Training

I have told my clients time and time again to steer away from doing steady state cardio and lean towards interval training.  Sprint training is probably one of the best forms of interval or HITT (High Intensity Training) training out there and all you need are a pair of running shoes. Check out this great article my long time client, …

Blast Your Booty with this Track Workout

I don’t know about you, but I love taking my workouts outdoors!  I spend hours working in the gym as an ISSA Certified Personal Trainer and owner of “No Mullarkey” Personal Training, so it’s nice to switch things up and hit a track workout.  Not only do I burn more calories but I also get a good dose of vitamin …

Killer Track Workout

This past Saturday, following all the calories consumed over Thanksgiving, I held a boot camp for my clients at a local track.  I always love changing things up and taking advantage of our gorgeous winter weather here in Arizona.  Eight brave souls showed up to burn some major calories and I couldn’t be more proud of them for making it …

When Stressed Get to the Gym

When Stressed Get to the Gym

When Stressed Get to the Gym As a trainer, I have heard every excuse in the book why folks can’t make it to their training session. I really should start a quote book because some of them took lots of creativity. What I find baffling is that it is more important than ever to make time for your workouts when …